Release the front cover and carefully, but firmly, grasp the handle of the drum and pull the entire cartridge assembly until it pops out of the machine completely. Turn your printer off and pull its plug from the socket. Withdraw entire drum unit / cartridge assembly.
If this is not possible, simply supply the salesperson with the specific brand and model number so that he can find the correct replacement cartridge for you. If you don’t know what type of cartridge your particular machine uses, don’t hesitate to bring the drum unit with you when you go to the office supply shop. It is advisable that you always keep an extra toner cartridge at the ready should the one installed run out. Make sure that you use the correct replacement cartridge type otherwise, you can seriously damage the drum.įirstly, you should find the type of the toner cartridge on your printer, and then buy the right one. You will need to detach this in order to slot in the replacement. A good number of photocopying machines and laser printers utilize toners or large cartridges that are housed inside a drum. If it reads, “Replace Drum / Toner cartridge,” or if the cartridge LED is flashing red, you will just need to swap the used up ink cartridge with a new one. What do you do? Don’t panic and check the display screen on your printer or copier.
Sometimes when you are printing very important document, such as the contract or papers, but you just get the blank one,no any words on it! Soon, only blank pages are coming out.